Tuvalu Airport in 2061
Design Direction: Environment-oriented
Location: Funafuti, Tuvalu
Work Type: Partner with Yufei Liang
Duration: 10 Weeks
Complete Time: 3/18/2021
Instructor: Kutan Ayata
Software: Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effect, Premiere Pro
The project speculatively imagined the future of Tuvalu(a sinking island in the Pacific Ocean) 40 years after 2021 based on a large number of researches and the real climate crisis of this country:
In 2061, Funafuti Island, the capital of Tuvalu, would be the land where most of the population of Tuvalu lives. The specific land position and the ring shape of the island cultivate the floating living districts in the lagoon. Facing climate change, the reconstruction and replanning will make use of the large lagoon, leaving renewed landfills to infrastructures, while pushing human dwellings into the inner water.
All the infrastructures are accessible by a paved roadway all around the island. The most popular one will be a versatile gateway built for a New Airport and also as an intersection point of shuttle station, ferry terminal, as well as the culture performance center to display the treasures of Tuvalu to visitors.
The terminal Architecture optimizes travelers' experience, aids in their orientation to Tuvalu, and promotes positive cultural interaction and commercial exchange.
图瓦卢机场 2061
该项目基于大量的研究和这个国家真实的气候危机,对2021年后图瓦卢(太平洋上一个正在下沉的岛屿)的未来进行了推测: 2061年,图瓦卢的首都富纳富提岛将成为图瓦卢大多数人口居住的地方。特定的土地位置和岛屿的环形形状在环礁湖中培育出漂浮的生活区。面对气候变化,重建和重新规划将利用环礁湖,将岛上有限的新填埋场留给基础设施,同时将居民住宅推入内水。

Looking toward the airport runway, people play sports when the runway is available.

Looking toward the departure and arrival gate. The runway will be blocked when the airplane is going to depart or arrive to ensure the safety of people on the runway.

"The Old Photos"
These are the “records” showing the “history” of Tuvalu: How people renovated buildings and environments to face the rising sea level.
Sandsaver Strategy to make the beach continue “growing“. The strategy can make the area of Funafuti Island bigger and bigger to accommodate the increasing population.
Funafuti - The Growing Island
The Design Strategies for Land-use and Infrustratures
Project Video: The “History“ of Tuvalu. © Yufei Liang & Nora Yang